School Hours

MONDAY 8:00am – 2:40pm 
TUESDAY 8:00am – 2:40pm 
WEDNESDAY 8:00am – 2:10pm 
THURSDAY 8:00am – 2:40pm 
FRIDAY 8:00am – 2:40pm 

School Lunch Menu


Zion Decatur School Lunch Menu

Zion School Newsletter

*Your email will ONLY be used to send communications from Zion.

Students, Parents, and Zion Decatur School

Zion PTL

The parents at Zion Decatur School are an extraordinary group. From donating their time to help cover recess, in the kitchen, field trips, special occasions and the many benefit events Zion Decatur School produces or hosts, we always know the parents and our students, will step in when needed. 

Parents are an integral part of the success, not only of our students, but of our school as a whole.  They are invested in their children’s education and care deeply about their spiritual growth.  They also show much appreciated support of the teachers and staff at Zion.  This has formed a bond in a common goal to love, inspire, equip, and engage the children at Zion to become bold disciples of Jesus Christ.  
The PTL, or Parent Teacher Link, is led by a handful of dedicated parents whose goal it is to create a relationship between school and home, teachers and parents.  They organize events that enrich the school environment and experiences of students and staff alike.  They have hosted many fundraisers, including the carnival, in order to fund projects, such as classroom improvements and teacher appreciation week.  The important work that we do at Zion Lutheran School is greatly aided by our outstanding and supportive families!

Accelerated Reader Stats

*Hover event to see details.

Zion Decatur Events Calendar

< 2023 >
July 18
  • 18
    July 18
    No events

Zion Decatur Church

Zion Lutheran Church and School, “Love, Inspire, Engage, Equip.”

Our Lord in Matthew 28 commanded his followers to, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,  and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”  Our church and school work together to fulfill this great commission to the world and to our corner of the world, Decatur, IN.  We work together to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and to teach how to observe all He has commanded.

It is the hope and prayer of Zion Lutheran Church and School that you would come and visit one of our worship services, attend a bible class, or observe one of our school classrooms.  Come and see the amazing things that God is doing at Zion as we work to be a place displaying, “Love, Inspire, Engage, Equip.”

  • Missed a recent service(s) from church? You can see the entire years worth of Sermons on the Zion Decatur Church website Zion Decatur Church Sermons
  • Parents and prospective students & parents, Schedule a tour of the school and come see what the talk is all about at Zion Decatur School. Schedule School Tour
  • Zion Decatur School Teachers go above and beyond to ensure your child(ren) receive the highest quality education that is Christ centered, and invaluable for their young lives.

Zion Enrollment Application